Aseptic vs Sterile | Difference That You Need to Know

Rahul Kashyap

Aseptic vs Sterile | Difference That You Need to Know 

The main difference - Aseptic versus Sterile
The important difference between septic and sterile techniques is that aseptic technique is used primarily to reduce the possibility of contamination from microorganisms from harmful pathogens, whereas sterile is a technique that is used to treat all living microorganisms (harmful or Auxiliary) and to be free from their environment. Spores (reproductive structure / dormant bacteria).
Aseptic technique is the process of maintaining sterility during food processing or medical operation procedures. It is a broad term and sterilization can be considered a part of aseptic technique. But, in a practical situation, aseptic and sterile techniques are often interchangeable. Therefore, this article explores the difference between aseptic and sterile techniques.

What is Aseptic?

Asepsis is a condition that is free from pathogenic harmful bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites or harmful spores. The term often refers to the destruction of harmful microorganisms in an operative field in medical surgery. In addition, the principles of asepsis are applied in the food processing industry such as aseptic packaging (tetra packaged products). In medical practices, aseptic mechanisms are aseptic techniques to protect patients from infectious diseases, following procedures to avoid the introduction of microbial contamination in sterile areas, sterile means, and operative space.
In the food industry, it is used to extend the shelf life of food and to ensure that food is safe for human consumption.
Aseptic technology is a modern concept and was discovered by various famous researchers of the world. For example, the autoclave was introduced by Ernst von Bergman to sterilize surgical instruments and carbolic acid as an antiseptic solution was introduced by Baron Lister to reduce the rate of infection.  

What is Sterilization?

Sterilization is a process that removes or destroys all forms of living microorganisms (both harmful and helpful) such as bacteria, fungi, viruses, and their spores present in a specified area or product or device. Sterilization can be accomplished with one of the following techniques such as chemicals, heat, steam, filtration, high pressure and radiation. The application of heat to sterilizing food was first discovered by Nicholas Eppert. Sterilization is used as part of an aseptic process.

What is the difference between Aseptic and Sterile?

Definition of aseptic and sterile (Aseptic versus Sterile)
Aseptic: Aseptic technique is the lack of contamination caused by harmful pathogenic microorganisms such as bacteria or viruses. The ultimate goal of aseptic technique is complete exclusion of pathogenic microorganisms and is carried out in a sterile environment.
Sterile: Sterile technique is the process of removing or destroying all living microorganisms. Sterilization is considered a part of aseptic technique.

Aseptic and sterile symptoms

Medical applications
Aseptic technique: aseptic technique is commonly used in the operative field in medicine or surgery to prevent infection. In surgical application, sterile indicates completely free of all microbial forms that can either cause disease, sedation, or fermentation. However, a direct sterilization procedure can cause significant tissue damage to the patient and may be difficult to maintain. Thus, a combination of techniques is used to reduce the possibility of contamination from harmful pathogens.
Sterilization Techniques: Sterilization techniques are mainly used in the food industry for canning food and preserving milk. In addition, sterile equipment is used in the operative field in medicine or surgery to maintain an aseptic environment.
Food industry applications
Aseptic Technique: Aseptic technique is commonly used in the packaging process. As an example, this technique is commonly used for industrial liquid whole eggs, tetra packaging milk, tomatoes, fruit juices, and gravy packaging.
Sterilization Technique: The sterilization technique is used directly for food (such as sterilization of milk, sauces, and fruit juices) to increase the shelf life of food. In addition, this technique is mainly used in the food canning industry to destroy Clostridium botulinum, harmful pathogens and spores.
Process complexity
Aseptic Technique: This process is more complex and requires a higher investment than a sterile process.
Sterile technique: The process is less complex and requires moderate investment compared to aseptic process.
Use of various techniques and constraints
Aseptic Technique: The aseptic process requires more barriers and techniques to remove microorganisms and their spores. In addition, aseptic technology uses a combination of heat, steam, radiation, filtration, high pressure techniques and / or chemicals to destroy microorganisms. The use of various barriers is required to prevent the transfer of microorganisms from healthcare personnel such as sterile gloves, sterile gowns, sterile masks and the use of sterile equipment.
Sterile techniques: Various sterilization techniques are used to destroy microorganisms such as heat, steam, radiation, filtration, high pressure techniques or chemicals. In contrast, aseptic technique, a combination of these methods is rarely used.
Contact guidelines
Aseptic technique: Only sterile-to-sterile contact is allowed while sterile-to-Non sterile contact process should be avoided.
Sterile technique: The sterile-to-sterile contact process is not applicable.
Aseptic Technique: Aseptic technique is the process of maintaining sterility during a food manufacturing process or surgical operation. Thus, sterilization is a part of aseptic technique.
Sterile technique: Aseptic technique cannot be considered part of the sterilization process.

Availability of microorganisms

Aseptic Technique: Microorganisms are absent from beginning to end of the process.
Sterile technique: Initially, the product contains microorganisms and all available microorganisms and their spores will be destroyed during the sterilization process. Finally, a microbial free product can be obtained.

Environmental management practices

Aseptic Technique: This technique involves a large number of environmental management practices that is more than the sterile techniques. They are as follows:
Using only sterile equipment / equipment cleaning often to destroy harmful pathogens cause unnecessary personnel during the process Practicing good hygienic and manufacturing practices in the food industry. Keeping doors closed during operative procedures reduces traffic getting in and out from surgical operating rooms
Sterile techniques: This technique uses a limited number of environmental management practices compared to aseptic techniques. They are as follows:
In the food industry, always practice good hygiene and construction practices. Use only sterile tools / equipment.
In conclusion, aseptic techniques primarily target the destruction of harmful pathogens while the sterilization process can completely destroy all microorganisms present in food, food processing, or medical operation environments. But the ultimate aim of both these techniques is to ensure safe consumption of food or to prevent infectious disease transmission.

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